Update For: Bryn

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—» Update For: Bryn


Latest update for Bryn and her 1/2 sister Roo ( Belle and Smokey's litter of 2009) from owner Billy Stobie

Hi Maggie
Nice job on your latest efforts in the wonderful world of social networking.  I see you managed to sneak a picture of me in there too...funny, had this wierd feeling you would do that.
The girls are doing great.  They spend a lot of time sharpening their fighting skills with Roo making ferocious growling noises and Bryn making strange yowling/singing noises.  She's almost as big as Roo so she gives as good as she gets.
Stinkin' coyote jumped the fence yesterday and nabbed a chicken so we all went haring after it with Bryn and Boy in the lead growling and barking and raising bloody hell and me and Roo bringing bringing up the rear.  I had to call Bryn off because she's such a fearless little bint and I didn't want to lose her and the chicken.  The pitiful little trail of feathers petered out and Wiley was able to make his escape good, no doubt congratulating himself on a job well done.  Such is life in the country.  Enough of my blathering, hope things are well with you and the Bob.

Regards   Billy